
Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of allergic diseases. Consultations with an allergist.

Symptoms and main conditions

If you experience frequent symptoms of allergic diseases such as tearing, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, as well as the appearance of skin reactions (redness, itching, spots, swelling, swelling of the lips and tongue), consider consulting an allergist.

The main allergic diseases include bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis (reaction to pollen), atopic dermatitis (“diathesis,” childhood eczema), and chronic recurrent urticaria. The most severe condition is angioedema (swelling of the airways with changes in voice, shortness of breath, swelling of the face, lips, and tongue).

What does an allergist do:

An allergist consults with the patient and, when necessary, performs the following:

  • Conducts FeNO (Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide) test to measure the level of nitric oxide in exhaled breath, which can help in assessing airway inflammation
  • Performs spirometry, a lung function test that measures the amount of air you can inhale and exhale, as well as how fast you can exhale.
  • Conducts plethysmography, a test that measures lung volume and can help in assessing lung function.
  • Administers allergy tests to identify specific allergens causing allergic reactions
  • Prescribes allergen-specific immunotherapy
  • Prescribes medication treatment for managing allergic conditions”

Наши специалисты


1.1.Konsultācija (Asoc Prof. M.Bukovskis)70.00
1.2.Ādas dūriena tests (1 prove)2.50
1.3.Ādas intradermālais tests (1 prove)3.00
1.4.Spirogrāfija (bez bronhodilatācijas)20.00
1.5.Bronhodilatācijas tests25.00
1.7.Ilgtermiņa astmas ārstēšanas plānа sastadīšana7.00
1.8.Individuālās hipoalergēnās diētas izveidošana15.00
1.9.NO noteikšana35.00

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